The Nobel Qur'an

'A'oothubillaahi minash-Shaytaanir Rajeem. Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Qasida Burda Sharif Translation, Part 3

Concerning the Mi’raaj of him

(Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam)

Chapter Seven


Allamah Busairi (R.A.) writes this poem in chronological sequence concerning the life and mission of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam. After praising Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and mentioning his birth he discusses the invitation of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam toward Allah Ta'aala. With the first wahi the prophethood of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is proclaimed. In this chapter Allamah Busairi speaks of the miraculous journey (Mi'raj) of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam to the seventh heaven. On this journey Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam passed the Sidratual-Muntahaa and was taken to such close proximity to Allah Ta'aala, where no other creation had ever gone or will ever go again. Allaman Busairi shows that Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam superseded every other creation in rank.. From this one can gauge his (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam's) exalted status.

  1. You the best of those to whose court seekers of bounties resort.
  2. Running the (mounted) on the backs of fast camels.
  3. And O you is the greatest sign for he who takes a lesson.
  4. And O you who is the greatest bounty for a person who avails himself of it.
  5. You travelled by night from one sacred place to another.
  6. As the full moon travels trough intense darkness.
  7. And you continued ascending until you attained a position.
  8. At the distance of two cubits length, as has never been attained nor sought.
  9. And you preferred due to your position by all the Ambiyaa.
  10. And Rasuls just as a servant gives preference to his master.
  11. You passed the seven heavens with them.
  12. In a procession in which you were the standard bearer.
  13. Until you left no goal (for) any competitor to strive for.
  14. In closeness, nor any (room for ascent for any one to advance.
  15. You made inferior every position by (your) advance, when.
  16. You were invited to his majestic and unique position.
  17. So that you may be successful in a reaching the most concealed.
  18. From all eyes, and secrets well concealed.
  19. So you acquired every (status) worthy of pride unrivalled.
  20. And you surpassed every position which none other passed.
  21. And extremely excellent are the ranks that were granted to you.
  22. And incomprehensible are those bounties which conferred upon you.
  23. Glad tiding be to us o people of Islam. We have.
  24. By the Grace of Allah a pillar which is indestructible.
  25. When Allah called, the one who invited us (Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) to His worship.
  26. Because of the noblest of messengers , we are the noblest of  Ummats.

    Chapter Eight

    Concerning the Jihad of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam

    Up to the time of Mi'raj Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum were living in Makkah. In the thirteenth year of nubuwwat they were commanded by Allah Ta'aala to make hijrat to Madinah. After establishing an Islamic state in Madinah Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam was given permission to make Jihad against the kuffar. By means of jihad and tabligh, Islam became the dominant religion. Allamah Busairi in this chapter discusses the jihad of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam , as well as his unflinching faith and trust in Allah Ta'aala. He also discusses his unparalleled bravery, heroic feats and spirit of sacrifice for the Deen of Islam by both Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam as well as the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum.

    1. The hearts of his enemies were struck with terror at the news of his advent.
    2. Just as a heedless goat that has strayed the heard becomes scared to a sudden alarm.
    3. He never ceased to encounter them at every battle.
    4. Until, by the effects of lances they were like meat on a chopping block.
    5. They loved fleeing that they would envy.
    6. The corpses which were carried away by vultures and eagles.
    7. Nights would pass without them knowing number.
    8. As long as it was not nights of the sacred months (Ashur-e-Horum).
    9. It is as though the religion of Islam was a guest that visited their house.
    10. With every brave warrior, greedy for the flesh of the enemy.
    11. He used to lead an ocean of an army on galloping horses.
    12. They would strike ( the enemy) with a massive wave of brave warriors.
    13. Of every volunteer, having hope of reward from Allah.
    14. Fighting to exterminate the roots of kufr and to destroy it.
    15. Until the religion of Islam became of them.
    16. Reunited after her estrangement, with her family.
    17. Always taken care of by an affectionate father
    18. And a loving husband, so she did not suffer from orphan hood nor widowhood.
    19. They were mountains, so ask about them from him who fought them.
    20. What was his experience with them in each contest (battle).
    21. Ask (them about the condition of ) Hunain, Badr, Uhad.
    22. The verdict death for them was more severe than an epidemic.
    23. (They made their) white (shinning) swords red (with blood) after they were plunged.
    24. Into every black lock of (hair) of their enemies.
    25. And they write (with arrows) in calligraphic writing (on those of the bodies), which was left out.
    26. By their pens (lances). Like unsorted letters,
    27. Completely clad with weapons they had characteristic marks to distinguish them.
    28. Like arose is distinguished by (characteristic) marks from a thorn tree.
    29. The winds of help (from Allah) would guide you to their fragrance.
    30. So you would think every brave man to be a flower in the bud.
    31. As though they were, when on horse back like the plants on hills.
    32. On account of the strength and bravery, not because of the tightness of their saddles.
    33. The hearts of the enemies flew into terror (due to their) prowess.
    34. So they could not make distinction between a lamb and a mighty warrior.
    35. And the person who has the help of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam with him.
    36. Even if a lion meets him in its den it begins to fear.
    37. And you would never see a friend not assisted.
    38. By him, nor would you find any enemy, but in pieces.
    39. He lodged his Ummat in the fort of his religion.
    40. Like a lion which lodges with its cubs in a jungle.
    41. How many queries did the words of Allah have with deifiers.
    42. Concerning him, and the clear evidence (of Allah), disputed many a plaintiff.
    43. It is sufficient for you as a miracle (to have so vast) knowledge in an unlettered person.
    44. In the period of ignorance, and such noble etiquettes in an orphan.

    Chapter Nine

    Concerning seeking forgiveness from Allah Ta’aala and Intercession by of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam

    After discussing the life of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam, his perfection and exalted status Allamah Busairi (R.A) in this chapter seeks forgiveness from Allah Ta’aala through the intercession and Waseela (agency) of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam. Allamah Busairi (R.A) says that his life was wasted in sin and disobedience, he regrets his misdeeds and turns towards Allah Ta’aala seeking forgiveness and repentance. He uses this poem as a Waseela (agency) through Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam to gain acceptance in the court of Allah.

    1. I served him with praise, by means of which I ask to be pardoned.
    2. The sins of a life passed in poetry and serving (other)
    3. As these two have garlanded me with that consequences which I fear.
    4. As though I am due to it (poetry and serving others) a sacrificial animal.
    5. I obeyed the misleading passions of youth in both conditions and I did not
    6. I achieved but sin and remorse.
    7. O the great regret of my soul in its transaction.
    8. It did not purchase Deen with the world, nor had I negotiated for it.
    9. The person who sells his future for his present.
    10. His being defrauded in the sale and its negotiation.
    11. If I had committed any sin my covenant is not (likely to be) violated.
    12. With my Nabi Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and nor is my rope broken.
    13. For verily I have a security from him due to my name.
    14. (Being) Muhammad, while he is the most faithful of mankind in fulfilling his promise.
    15. If at my resurrection, he should not take me by my hand
    16. Out of kindness, then say O the slipping of my foot.
    17. I seek the sanctuary (in Allah) that he should deprive one who is hopeful of his graces.
    18. Or that his neighbor (follower) returned from him dishonored.
    19. And since I have devoted my thoughts to his praises.
    20. I have found him to be best sanctuary for my salvation.
    21. His bounty will never escape from (my) hand which has been soiled.
    22. For verily rain causes flowers to bloom on rocks
    23. And I did seek the flowers (wealth) of the world which were plucked.
    24. By the hands of Zuhair through his praises of Haram.