The Nobel Qur'an

'A'oothubillaahi minash-Shaytaanir Rajeem. Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Qasida Buda Sharif Translation ,Part 2

Concerning the birth of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam

Chapter Four

Allamah Busairi R.A. in this chapter specks of the birth of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. In the pervious chapter his praises were mentioned. The blessed day on which Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, was born is a praise worthy event. The birth of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, illuminated the entire universe. Some miracles and incidents which took place at the time of birth are mentioned in this chapter. These were signs of the greatness of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam came to remove all difficulties and calamities from the world.

  1. His birth distinctly showed his pure origin.
  2. O the excellence! Of his beginning and his end.
  3. On that day the Persians discovered that they (were going face misfortune)
  4. Were warned with the approach of misfortune and punishment.
  5. And the walls of the palace of Kisra trembled and crumbled.
  6. Like how the army of Kisra was scattered never to be untied again.
  7. And the fire (of the Persians) took a cool breath (subsided and died out), out of regret.
  8. While the rivers (of Persia) had sleepless eyes (dries up) from excessive sorrow.
  9. Saawah (village in Persia) became grief stricken with the drying up of its lake.
  10. And the (thirsty) water bearer returned in anger with disappointment.
  11. It is as though fire became wet like water.
  12. Due to grief, while water was (affected by) the blazing fire.
  13. And the jinn was shouting (at the appearance of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the NUR was glistening.
  14. And the truth (nubuwaat) appeared with these anwaar, and with their voices.
  15. (The kaafir) became blind and deaf, to the announcements of glad tidings.
  16. Nor did they hear and the lighting of warning was nor seen by them.
  17. After their fortune tellers had informed the people.
  18. That their false religions would not stand.
  19. And even after they witnessed shooting stars on the horizon.
  20. Falling, just as (their) idols were (falling) on earth.
  21. So much so that they kept running from the path of wahi
  22. The devils (shaytaan), one after the other.
  23. As though in running away the shaytaan were the army of Abrahah.
  24. Or like that army (put to flight) upon whom (Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) threw pebbles.
  25. Which he threw after their making tasbih in his (mubarak hands).
  26. Like how ( Hadhrat Yunus Alayis Salaam) when he made tasbih (of Allah) was thrown out from the stomach of the swallowing (fish).

Chapter five

Concerning the blessedness of the invitation (calling towards Islam) of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam

  1. The trees answered his call, prostrating.
  2. Walking towards him on shins (truck) without feet.
  3. It is though writing lines that were written.
  4. With their branches, calligraphically writing of his perfection.
  5. Like the cloud following him wherever he went.
  6. Sheltering him from the intense heat, (as that) of an oven in the blazing summer.
  7. I take an oath (of truth) by the moon that was split, it bears.
  8. A connection with his heart (which shows) the truth of my oath.
  9. What excellence qualities and noble deeds the cave contained (in it).
  10. While every eye (of the disbelievers) was blind him.
  11. The truth (sidq) and the true(siddique) in the cave were not seen (by the disbelievers).
  12. And they were satiny "There is no one in the cave".
  13. They thought a wild dove and a spider would not
  14. Lay an egg, or spin a web for the best of creation.
  15. The protection of Allah (made him) dispensed with double.
  16. From armors and high forts.
  17. Whenever time caused me any distress and I took refuge in him.
  18. I receive shelter from him which was not misused.
  19. I did not ask for the wealth of the two worlds from his hand.
  20. But I received a great gift the best hand that was ever kissed.
  21. Do not deny that his dreams are revelations (wahi), for verily his
  22. Heart does not sleep , when eyes sleep.
  23. And this was at (the period of) puberty of his prophet hood.
  24. At that time dreams cannot be denied.
  25. Great are the blessings of Allah that wahi is nor earned.
  26. Nor was any Nabi accused (of lying when) giving knowledge of the unseen.
  27. His miracles are (completely) clear, not hidden from anyone.
  28. Without it justice cannot be established amongst people.
  29. How often has his hand granted freedom (cure) from disease by (his) touch.
  30. And set free the insane from the chains (fetters) of insanity.
  31. He revived the starving year (of famine) through his dua.
  32. Until it resembled a white spot on black times.
  33. By means of a cloud which rained so abundantly, you would think large rivers
  34. Gushing forth from the sea or like the torrential flood of Arim.

Chapter Six

concerning the Glory of the Quraan

(Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam)

In this chapters Allamah Busairi (R.A.)describes the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. Every miracle of all the other prophets was only temporary and was only witnessed by those who were present at that time. The Holy Qur'an is that ever lasting miracle which is witnessed by all people for all time to come. Allamah Busairi encourages people to recite the Holy Qur'an and act upon its commands.

  1. Allow me to describe the miracles of him (Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) exposed (performed).
  2. Like the lighting of fires on the hillside at night for guests.
  3. The beauty of a pearl is further enhanced in a necklace.
  4. But its value does not diminish )in the least when not strung on a necklace).
  5. So why should the ambitions of those who praise not increase towards
  6. That which (him (Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) ha of noble character and good habits.
  7. Verses of truth from the Most Merciful (Allah Ta’aala) newly heard.
  8. (As well as being) eternal which is quality (of Allah) Who is described with eternity.
  9. It is not connected with any period of time, while it informs us.
  10. About the hereafter as well as of Ad and Iram.
  11. Which remains with us forever, therefore it is superior to every miracle.
  12. Of the other Nabi’s (for) when (their miracles) came but did not remain.
  13. Absolutely clear (as evidence) so it did not leave (room for any ) doubts.
  14. By the enemies nor so they require any judge.
  15. No one opposed it ever except for the vehement enemy.
  16. (Due to) the enmity of the enemy towards it,(but that he) refrained from it seeking a truce.
  17. Its eloquence refuted the accusations of its objectors.
  18. Just as a respectable man keeps off the hand of a transgressor from his harem.
  19. Its meaning is like the waves of the ocean in helping (one another)
  20. And the (Qur’an) transcends the jewels of the sea in beauty and value.
  21. Its wonders cannot be counted nor comprehended.
  22. Nor would you (be) satiated by its constant repetition (recitation).
  23. It cools the eye of its reciter, so I said to him
  24. You have succeeded with the hope of Allah, therefore hold steadfast onto it.
  25. If you recite it due to fear of the heat of blazing fire.
  26. Then you have doused the blazing fire with its cool water.
  27. It is the Houze-e-Kauthar with which faces are illuminated.
  28. Of the sinners even though they came to it (with faces) black as coal.
  29. It is like the straight bridge like the scales in equilibrium.
  30. Justice, without which, amongst man cannot be established.
  31. Do not be astonished if the jealous person rejects it.
  32. (Feigning ) ignorance while they are shrewd.
  33. Verily the eye rejects the ray of the sun due to dust.
  34. The mouth rejects the (sweet) taste of water due to sickness.